GitHub does not yet provide a public GitHub action virtual environment for macOS 12 with Xcode 13.3 but this should not stop you!
Fill out this form to request macOS 12 private beta access for your GitHub organization. The private beta program incl. the form was announced in the GitHub issue below.
You will be notified by email once approved.
The macOS 12 (20220323 update) beta virtual environment contains Xcode 13.3. (13E113) under the path of /Applications/
. No additional Xcode versions are available on this image.
Please note that according to GitHub's Terms of Services,
Beta Previews may not be supported or may change at any time. You may receive confidential information through those programs that must remain confidential while the program is private. We'd love your feedback to make our Beta Previews better.
Example use:
name: Swift
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: macos-12
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build
run: swift build -v
- name: Run tests
run: swift test -v